Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Slight change in direction...

Unfortunately, being a student and having a half-working sewing machine has really squished my sewing and crafting inclinations. While I still have a big pile of half-finished projects on my sewing table, I have had to postpone them until next weekend... and next weekend... and next weekend.

However, I have a new challenge for myself that I've decided to chronicle on this blog. Being a broke broke, time-strapped student while still trying to be health-conscious can be difficult. All too often take-out pizza or top ramen seems to be the easier choice.

So, in order to be more efficient financially and to be able to eat healthily, every week I will be making meals centered around one ingredient that I normally wouldn't buy for one meal. The recipes I'll be looking for will be ones with few ingredients, mostly natural (so no processed) ingredients, and as many vegetables as possible. I strongly dislike most vegetables but know I have to eat them, so I'll squeeze them in whenever i can! I'll be making a 'dinner' grocery list in advance, posting my recipes, pictures, and my opinion of them. I hope you enjoy seeing these, and please give me any recipe suggestions you think I'd like!