Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Eight Maids a Milking

...in these adorable milkmaid aprons!! These beautiful aprons can be worn two ways; a standard apron and a more 'milk maidish' version. To make, see here.

Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Seven Swans A-Swiming

Still need the perfect gift for a little one? Whip up one of these adorable swan softies! This is so adorable and cute it could just become that baby's "blanky" - you know, the blanket/stuffed animal that they carry around until college (or even throughout. I still sleep with my blanky, shhhh...). Although you may want to use fabric instead of felt for the beak in that case!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bundt Pan GIVEAWAY!!

Here it is - the bundt pan giveaway!!

I used this pan last night to make an amazing pumpkin cake.. it was the easiest thing ever and delicious. I absolutely LOVE this pan - it worked better than any bundt pan I've ever used!!

From now until Christmas Eve I'll be posting recipes, along with my reviews of them, to be used with a bundt cake pan. I've picked ones that are perfect for the holiday season, so hopefully they'll be good for Christmas baking.

For more info on this pan, check out this post.

The giveaway will end on Christmas day - think of it as my Christmas gift to you :)

Now, for the rules. Read carefully!

You can enter 1, or 2 times.

For 1 entry: Leave a comment and follow my blog! If you don't have a blogger profile for me to find your email address on, leave your address as well.

For 2 entries: Leave a comment, follow the blog, and link back from your blog!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Five and Six!

I got behind yesterday, so today will be a two-fer!

...so no one's wine glasses get mixed up!!

A set of these make great gifts! They're super easy to make, very customizable, and beautiful. If you are super creative, you can even combine them with the next tutorial as well...

Find out how to make these here.

This was a super tough one. Just like hens, what can you really do with geese? Ah... eggs! More specifically, golden eggs. So I guess it should really be 'On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, six geese a laying golden eggs.."

I made one of these necklaces for my mom for mother's day with birthstones of her kids in it. However, I think the idea of simply gold eggs is also beautiful. I'm not super fond of the nest in the above picture, but the tutorial I found for you (I was going to make one, but thought that maybe there'd be one out there - turns out there are tons!) makes beautiful, more realistic nests, like below:

These would also make amazing gifts - find out how to make them here.

12 Days of Christmas ~ Four Colly Birds

I knew right away what project I'd have to post for this one!! For any crafter who hasn't made some of these bird softies, try them out! They're super easy, fun, cute, and make great gifts. There is a link to the pattern for them here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Three French Hens

Well, I couldn't think of a good 'hen' project that didn't involve chicken in the form of food, which seems... wrong. So, I decided on something that hens produce - eggs! French eggs, to be precise. I also have an extension on this tutorial that I'll be posting tomorrow, so check back then for something to do with your eggs!

What you need:

- 3 plastic easter eggs, wood, or styrofoam eggs
- Print outs of 3 different types of french writing (I just googled french text and french handwriting and found some jpegs to use, or if you want I can post the ones I have - just leave a comment if you want them!)
- Mod podge
- foam brush

For Tomorrow:
- glass container, like a candy dish, that your eggs will fit in
- ribbon
- florist moss

Step 1: Rip up your french text! Tear the print outs into strips that can be decoupaged onto the eggs.

Step 2: Spread some mod podge on the egg where you want your first strip to go. Put the strip of paper down, and put another layer of mod podge on top! Continue this way, slightly overlapping the different pieces of paper to get a layered look.

Step 3: Do this with each egg until you're finished! Be careful of spreading the mod podge too much; depending on your printer you might have some ink bleeding if you mess with it too much.

And there you have it - three French eggs.

You could put them in a bowl, in a clear container, anywhere you need an extra filler decoration! Any other ideas on what to do with these?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Two Turtle Doves

...in the form of napkin rings!

What you need:

Note that you can get the birds and nest in the floral department at most craft stores - I got mine at Michael's. Sometimes you can even get the birds already in the nest!

- A napkin ring
- A small bird nest- small enough so it doesn't look funny on the napkin ring.
- Two any-color birds, preferably with brown wings
- A hot glue gun
- Bleach
- A couple Q-tips

Step 1: Glue your birds into the nest. I did this first; in retrospect it might have been smarter to do step two first!

Step 2: Now, obviously we don't want orange birds for our turtle doves. In fact, until I actually looked it up I thought they should be white! Then I saw this picture:

I was pretty happy, because I wasn't able to find solid white birds at the craft store and the only ones they had had brown wings made out of pinecone pieces, which would be hard to bleach or paint!

SO, dip your Q-tip into some bleach and dab it along the birds. You should see the color start to fade almost immediately. Keep dabbing and rubbing until all the color has faded (you might need to wait a couple minutes to see the complete results).

This is what they looked like partway through:

Step 4: Grab your napkin rings. I would personally use skinnier, more organic looking ones, but there were all we had in the drawer so I used them.

Now, hot glue the bottom of your bird nest to the napkin ring. Pull your fancy napkins through (once again, I would probably use a more organic cloth for this, but purple damask was all I had on hand!) and voila, two turtle doves and a holiday napkin holder.

Check back tomorrow for 3 French Hens - I'm really excited about this one!

Bundt Pan Specs

I realized after posting last night that I should've given some more info on the cake pan I'll be using for my recipe reviews and giveaway, so here it is!

Part of the reason why I chose this particular pan was because it was inexpensive. I hate it when I see bloggers review things that they have gotten for themselves or for a giveaway that is out of a normal person's price range. Really, who'se going to go buy that after seeing the review? And then you get so excited about something, only to go to the website and find that to get that item you'd have to sell your house/car/kids. So, I wanted to pick something that was reasonable.

How reasonable you ask? $14.99. Not bad, eh?

Here's the rest of the info on this pan:

Nordicware Natural Commercial 2 Piece Angelfood Cake Pan

Made of even heating, rust proof aluminum and galvanized steel wire around the rims for added strength, bakers agree that aluminum is best. A removable bottom for easy cake removal.


  • Constructed of aluminum
  • Cooling feet
  • Lifetime warranty
  • 9.4" x 9.4" x 4.25"

Tell me what you think - do you like this idea? How would you use this pan?

Have Holiday Baking to Do?

I know it's been a while; school has been eating my time and soul. I am on break for the holidays now though, and have a few projects planned!

A while ago I mentioned that I was approach to do a giveaway for the CSN stores. I decided to get 2 bundt cake pans, as I've been wanting to do more baking for the holidays. That means one for me to test and review, and one to give away to one of you!

I've been collecting a set of recipes (I'm thinking 3 to 5) that I will try making, baking, and reviewing, and then after all of the reviews are in I'll do the giveaway.

ALSO, here's the most important part. If you have an amazing recipe for a bundt cake that you love, send it to me at the email listed under my about me section with the subject 'bundt recipe' and I'll feature you on my blog!

Here's the pan I'll be giving away:

Monday, December 13, 2010

12 Days of Christmas ~ Partridge in a Pear Tree

I thought a partridge in a pear tree seemed like quite a difficult way to start... what could you possible make out of that? But then I found this absolutely gorgeous tutorial and fell in love. I want to make a million of these as Christmas ornaments to give as gifts!

This tutorial was created by For the Love of Laundry, and can be found here. Enjoy!

12 Days of Christmas

I LOVE Christmas. I loved Christmas time growing up, and my family has many traditions and rituals that really define the season to me. It is hands down my favorite time of year - partly because my birthday is December 12th. Because of this, I was a bit confused when I was young between the two holidays. I got presents wrapped in santas and snowmen for both, there was a Christmas tree for both...can you see where the confusion was? Most of all, the 12 Days of Christmas song confused me. December 12th, 12 days of Christmas... is it really a huge stretch that I thought that song was about my birthday?

The picture at the top is a cover of a book I had (and still have!). I used to read it every year; the illustrations were beautiful and it only increased my fascination with the song

Anyway, I really wanted to do something special and Christmas-y this year, so I decided to do a twelve days of Christmas set of postings. I don't know if I"ll be able to do it or not, but each day between now and Christmas I'll try to find or create a tutorial that corresponds with the appropriate number. Wish me luck!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Beaded Pin Epaulet Tutorial - Guest Post!

I LOVE this awesome tutorial made especially for us by Sew Petite Gal. This adorable tutorial is just a peek at the awesomeness that she creates! Check out her blog for some stylish tutorials!

I just want to first say how honored and thrilled I am to be guest-posting on Ruffles and Roses! This tutorial will show you how to create your own beaded pin for use as an epaulet or pin for cardigans, tees, blazers, headbands, etc.

First, here’s a look at my inspiration: ROCKSTAR Sushi Striped Embellished Epaulet Tee, Neiman Marcus, $121:

I love this shirt! It combines my favorite elements of nautical stripes, beading and shoulder/sleeve detail. I had a similar striped tee from Old Navy already and so I set off to make my epaulets since I really didn’t want to spend the money to buy the tee if I could make a similar version. I didn’t want to worry about the beads falling off in the washer so I decided to make it a pin instead of sewing it directly to the tee.



Sheer Fabric

Invisible Nylon Thread and needle



Misc. beads – I used pearls, tubes, crystal-esque and silver beads

First, you’ll want to create some kind of template on scrap paper. I made kind of bulbous Saturn-esque shape that is approximately 5” wide by 3.5”. Using this template, cut this shape out from your sheer material. I used the solid border of the above fabric. Using your fingers, gently fray the edges.

Then you’ll want to cut out a smaller shape in felt. I decided to go with a leaf type shape since that was how I envisioned the bead distribution.

Center and place the felt piece behind your sheer fabric. Start sewing your beads on. (You can technically also glue your beads down but I was afraid that it would make it too stiff to lay flush against my shoulder.) I alternated different sizes and bead types. This is the tedious part but it’s worth it at the end! J

Once you’ve achieved the look / distribution of beads you’re going for, go ahead and secure the pin backing to the felt with a few stitches.

Voila! You’re finished. This pin is ready for your t-shirt/cardigan/blazer/headband/etc!

Here’s how I wear mine:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Help me!!!

I need more of your bright ideas for some guest tutorials!! If you've sent me one and haven't heard from me, send it again - I get a little unorganized with my inbox :)

Also, as soon as I pull out my camera I'll share an adorable little present sent to me by one of you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dying Elastic

Ever wish that it was easier to get ahold of elastic that wasn't boring white or black? I know I sure have!! So many things right now are made with the elastic showing (and don't even get me started on wide elastic belts, which are my favorite thing ever).

So what do you do when you want some beautifully bright hued elastic for your project? Be like Dana from Make and dye it!

How amazing would some dyed elastic look on the tank dress?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kid's Flower Pot Halloween Costume - Guest Tutorial!

Anyone with kids who don't have their halloween costumes yet, check this out!! This is such an adorable idea (sent to me by Jessica from Copycat Crafter) for a quick costume that looks great. Don't take your kids to the picked over halloween costume isle in walmart - make them a super cute costume like this!!

Hi there!
I am so honored to be invited to guest post here at Ruffles and Roses today! Normally all of my posts are about copying free tutorials online, but I decided to try my hand at writing my own for the first time. The idea is still copied from a site with ideas for unique costumes, but since there wasn't a tutorial, I got to write it up. It is so incredibly easy. The only "tool" you really need is a glue gun! I hope you'll take the time to try it or even just make up your own unique costume to share. I'm banking on my kids really appreciating the homemade costumes when they are adults and right now they are young enough to enjoy anything I make them. It's a great place to be! Thank you Amber for the opportunity to present this tutorial! Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone!

I LOVED this costume. In all honesty it will forever be "THE" costume. You know, the one that all others will be compared to. It's just so stinkin' cute. AND EASY. Are you sensing a theme to my posts? I only do easy things. I don't have time (or brain cells) for difficult. My kids have sucked away my time and brain cells and you know what? I'm totally ok with that. They are worth it. So here is a fun idea for a costume...

(Ok, so I'm a freak. It stresses me out to have my kids face all over the internet...as if there are millions looking at my little blog. But still. I'm a freak, so you have to look at a creepy pic of my kid with a blocked out face. It's how I roll. )

Want a tutorial FROM ME??? OK!

What you will need:
1. Green shirt and skirt (or leotard)
2. Green tights
3. Green shoes
4. Dollar store flowers
5. green ribbon
6. hot glue gun and glue sticks
7. Wooden bucket thing and saw
8. cheapo plastic headband

(Note: I glued the flowers on the front and back of the shirt plus a strip down the top of the sleeves.)

What to do:
1. Cut out the bottom of bucket with a saw
2. pop the flowers off the stems and hot glue them on the shirt and headband
3. tie ribbon on the bucket handles so they cross, to use them like suspenders
4. Put it on your kids and go door to door for some candy goodness!

(Note: I believe my husband just PUNCHED out the bottom because it was easier than sawing it out!)

Now because I'm a big fat copycat I must tell you...sigh...I did not make up this idea. I found it here...but there isn't a tutorial...sooooo I got to do one myself! Whoot! Now go make a unique costume for your kiddo!
PS...my son was the cutest bee you ever did see...we are theme halloweeners...snicker snicker ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Military Pencil Skirt - guest tutorial!

Here is our second guest post! I asked Shauna if she could do a guest post for me after seeing some of her other projects - she and her sister do amazing stuff over at their blog! Check it out here! I am sooo in love with this tutorial - this skirt just got bumped to the top of my to do list.

Hi Ruffle and Roses readers! I was so honored to be invited to guest post here!

My name is Shauna and I am one of the Shwins behind Shwin & Shwin. My sister and I started the blog to share our ideas with each other and with anyone else who was interested and it has been a ton of fun. Today I am going to share an inspired by the runway look.

A few weeks back I made a skirt for my daughter inspired by this look from project runway. It was from the team challenge, from team millitary lace.

This is the skirt I made for my daughter tutorial found HERE

Today we are going to make a few adjustments and make one for a grown up.

So let's get started!

You will need:

  • Fabric

  • Piping

  • Buttons

  • Zipper

The pattern for this skirt is really easy. Here are the basic shapes. All straight lines so I cut it free hand. Then length of all the pieces is the same and that is the desired length you want the skirt (plus enough for hemming and finishing the top edge so add an inch or two) To get the width Measure around the widest part of your lower half for me it is around my hips and behind. Divide that in half this is the width of the front piece, then cut a back piece the same width plus 1 inch and cut that in half the long way so you have two rectangles (pictured on the right in the picture) With your front piece fold it in half and cut away the space for the side panels. How big you make them is up to you. I measured from where I would wear the skirt on my waist down just past my hip bone and that was how low I cut, as for width, I did about 5 inches. Again it's up to you and how you want it to look in the end. Then with the width of what you cut away (so for me 5 inches) cut two rectangles that width and the length of the skirt. Then you are done. Easy right?

On to sewing. First sew under the top edge. (you can do this now to all of your pieces, it will save you time later)

Then you are going to take your piping and pin it along the edge of your cut out. (on the right side of the fabric) Pin it piping facing in, and when you get to the corner as shown above you can put two little slits in the edge of the piping to help you round the corner. Once you pin it sew it in place following the stitching line that is already on the piping.

Then turn the piping so the flap is in the wrong side of the fabric and your piping should neatly outline the cutouts and top stitch in place.

This is what you should end up with. Do it for both sides of the cut out.

Then take your long narrow rectangle and with the basting stitch sew along both long sides of the piece.

Then pin your ruffled piece in side the cut out.

On the back now. First sew the zipper in place. (follow the instructions on the zipper you buy)

Then sew the two back pieces together below the zipper.

I thought I got a picture of this next step but I didn't sorry. Next you are just going to sew the right sides together along the side seams, sewing together the front and back pieces.

If you tried your skirt on at this point then you probably noticed it is a box that is a gapping mess all around your waist. If for some reason it it not and it fits your perfect then skip this next part. So to pleat the top of the skirt so that it fits your body this is what I do. Measure around your waist where you will wear the skirt. Subtract that measurement from the measurement of the skirt. This will tell you how many inches you have to take out of the skirt. Starting in the middle back I place one pleat on each side of the zipper, and then another pleat and so forth until your measurement becomes your waist measurement. To make these pleats, fold the fabric over so right sides are together and place a pin how narrow or wide you make the pleats depends on how much you are taking in. Then measure from your waist down to where your widest point is, this tells you how long your pleats should be. I pin the whole pleat and then Try the skirt on inside out o see if it is a good fit.

Then sew your pleats. The bottom of your pleat needs to taper off real gradually so your done have a weird pucker on the outside so make it a gradual slope (like pictured above)

When you are done pleating, you re done with your skirt. After this I added a few buttons to the front, but that is optional, do what you like.

Try it on

Jump around

And Enjoy!