Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Summer of Skirts - TUTORIALS!

I love skirts. They're so cute and comfortable and easy, and perfect for summer - especially if you're feeling a little too pale or flabby to wear shorts. I always forget how awesome skirts are... and so, here's my new project. I will be making and posting tutorials of every different type of skirt I can think of - with the exception of all skirts frumpy or requiring ridiculous amounts of fabric.

I'm hoping to do a new one a week for the whole summer, but as we all know life sometimes gets in the way of good intentions... and I'm a little concerned about running out of ideas (although I already have like 6, so that's not bad I guess...). I've already got a basic elastic A-line almost ready to post up for you, and some others lined up behind.

So - who is interested in sewing along with me for a summer of skirts? I need your help here - post ideas of types of skirts, and I'll figure out how to make them!! I'm also thinking of setting up a flickr pool so people can post their creations. What do you think?


  1. Hi Amber, I love the skirts you have posted, they are too youthful for me but wonderful. These are ones you have already made?
    I would join you but I haven't worn a skirt or even a dress in years! Thighs rubbing together doesn't feel nice. Not that heavy, it's always been that way.
    I look forward to see more from you.

    1. This is 3 years after your comment, so I'm not sure that you'll ever see this, but a friend of mine told me of a genius way to cure thigh rubbing - put deodorant on your inner thighs. It sounds nuts, but I went from never wearing skirts (and always wanting to) to wearing one nearly every day! Hope this helps!!! :)

  2. I LOVE the first one... I wear skirts all the time, so whatever you can make, I'm excited about

  3. I would love to see what you come up with!

  4. Amber, I love your ideas, the diff. skirts are def. a great idea. I have already thought of something creative to do with a couple skirts I already have! thank you so much!
    Can I reply to Genia...? is that weird...? They make satin shorts for women, I think they were created for that very purpose, to keep the thighs from rubbing together, maybe in the 60s or something but they still make them today and satin runs smooth under anything...kind of like a slip only between the legs!:) You can usually get them at a walmart or maybe kmart or something, if not look at and am not positive about the last one, whether that is the address or not but that is the name of the store. I wear them, also I am not the big either, thighs just rub sometimes. There are a few places you can get them online, you could probably even get them from JCPenney! they are very common. really.

  5. LOVE IT!! <3 I have been admiring those skirts too and I was hoping that someone would do some tutorials!! I love skirts and dresses and anything girly and pretty! I am with ya sister!! <3 <3 <3

  6. Yes, yes, YES!!!

    I've been looking for a while for a relatively easy to make pencil shirt, and also a high waisted skirt.

    Fun! I'm in! :D

  7. I love what you have posted here already! I would love to sew along with you! I usually make lots of stuff for the kids but not clearly enough for ME! Thanks for the tutorials! Love it!

  8. great idea !! I hope u do a tut on the first one is gorgeous :)

  9. I LOVE the jean skirt!!! Super cute :)


  10. I'm glad I found your blog because I am going to try to make myself a skirt for the first time! I've been sewing other things but not clothes for myself. I'm going to try and sew a few along with you too!

  11. I'm so excited to have found your blog! I love to wear skirts and dresses, so these will be great! I would love if you could come up with a cute skirt made out of jean material that doesn't look homemade. Like the second to last one in the pictures on this post!

  12. I love the first skirt too. A tutorial would be amazing as I've been tryinbg to piece it out in my head since I saw it. Anthropologie makes me drool and wish I had money. The Anthropologie skirt I'm trying it figure out right now is this one: Any thoughts?

  13. Graceleigh - That skirt looks very much like the 'cricket match' one on Modcloth. At least I think that's what it's called. Look it up - it might have a clearer picture.

    Whenever I'm trying to reconstruct a garment, I try to look at it in stages. First, look at the very basic shape - the skirt itself with a waistband. Then, look at the origami - like folds as add ons. when you abstract it into levels like that, it makes it much easier to proceed. If you would like to discuss it further, send me an email - i'd be happy to share some ideas with you, and maybe make it into a tutorial! I'd have to get my hands on just the right fabric though... hmm

  14. Hi-
    Thanks for all the great posts. I would love to see how this blue/jean skirt on this post was made. That's my favorite! Does that ruffle go all the way around the back too? Any tips on that one?

  15. I know that these comments were made a while ago but I want to post my solution to the thighs rubbing together - I apply antiperspirant to the areas that rub. I wear skirts nearly every day and this solves the problem for me!

  16. I'm in! I love skirts and have been meaning to sew myself one. This is the motivation I need!

  17. I absolutely love some of these styles! Will you be trying to come up with a pattern on your own? I would love to make a couple of the ones you have posted.

  18. I'd love to know how to make the bottom coral colored one! :0)

  19. I love both of the blue skirts, especially the denim one with the diagonal ruffle.

  20. I want to make that denim skirt but as a pinafore dress
